Learn to Labour in Prayers


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Tuesday September 10, 2024

prayer, faith, religion

“My little children, for whom I labour in birth again until Christ is formed in you.”Galatians 4:19 (NKJV)

As a believer, one habit you must cultivate is laboring in prayers until the desires of your heart are granted. This is important because until you truly labor in prayer concerning certain matters, they will never be resolved. Unfortunately, many believers today have numerous unfulfilled desires. They want so much to happen but are unwilling to put in the work in the place of prayer.

When you talk to them about the importance of taking prayers seriously, they often point to people who achieve great things without prayer. What they fail to realize is that these same people have their own secrets that they do not share with the world.

Beloved, if you truly want to see the power of God move in your life, you must learn to labor in the place of prayer. It’s not just about spending time; it’s about persisting in prayer until you see the desired results. Now, the truth is, it won’t be easy. That’s why many people don’t bother spending time laboring in prayer. They get bored too quickly and give up.

However, if you want your case to be different, you must make a conscious decision to labor in prayers until you see the results you desire. Stop quitting when you haven’t seen results. Understand that this attitude of quitting is the edge the enemy has over many believers today. But if you fix this today, you will have found the secret to prevailing over the devil and his activities against your life.

The Bible speaks of how Daniel prayed for twenty-one days and had an angelic encounter. From the very first day, his prayer was heard, but his answer was delayed due to satanic resistance. If Daniel had stopped praying after three days, he would never have received the answer he sought. But Daniel continued to pray until his prayer prevailed (Daniel 10:1-20).

Elijah also had to labor in the place of prayer until he got the result he was looking for (1 Kings 18:41-43). We could go on and on, but if these men could labor in prayer until their answers were released, why would you expect to do it differently and still get the same results? So, make a conscious decision to labor in prayer until you have the victory.

Today’s Rhema

If the men of old could labor in prayers until they got results, don’t expect to do it differently!

Confession for the Day

Father, I am grateful for this wonderful truth. I receive grace, wisdom, and strength to labor in prayer until I get the victory note, in Jesus’ name. Amen!

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