Learn from the Master


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Saturday July 29, 2023

Shepherd Jesus Christ taking care of the lamb and a flock of sheep on the meadow with a brightly rising sunrise landscape

 “…take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your soul…” —Matthew 11:29 

How would Jesus do it? If he was in my shoes? What would Jesus say? What would Jesus do while he is faced with the most difficult situation? Would the master do it the way you have chosen to do it? Will the master react to situations the way you react? Will Jesus be worried about situations the way you find yourself worrying over everything? Jesus said “Learn from me” This means he wants us to imbibe his ways of doing things, his faith and his character. If we would actually learn from the master, and respond to situations the way he would respond, we also would get results the way he got result. In several passages of the bible, we see Jesus respond to situations with a lot of authority. This He did to express to the world that He was indeed the son of God, and He was in control of all things. At one time, while he was on a boat with his disciples, the Bible declared that there was a boisterous wind, and water began to enter the boat, and the boat was going to sink. 

Jesus was not bothered by that, instead He just continued to sleep. Jesus certainly had a different reaction to the situation than His disciples, whose immediate response was that of fear. And most Christians are like this too. People tend to react too quickly to situations that bothers them. But we can have good reactions to situations just like Jesus had, we can learn His ways, His faith response, His hopes and His beliefs. We can learn His authority, and learn to just not do things the way Jesus would do it. If we are able to learn from Jesus, we stand to gain a lot. Learning from Jesus would not only always give us His kind of results in all that concerns us, but it would teach us to be a master over everything, it would teach us to know all things and fear nothing. Learning from Jesus would teach us to be raised the way sons of God are to be raised. The master is ready to teach you, to be like him, the question is, are you available for this? Well, you should make yourself available to learn from Him. Learning from Jesus would make you a winner in life and not a victim, learning from Jesus would put you ahead of the adversary at all times. Learning from Jesus has a lot of benefit for us all. So start now, start learning because there is so much to learn from Jesus. Amen! 

Today’s Rhema 

Learn from Jesus and become a master over everything. 

Confession for the Day 

Dear Father! I thank you because you know all things and can do all things. I thank you because you are my teacher and all you know you have made available to me. This means I am equipped to handle all life situations and circumstances, and I triumph over them all.

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