Lean on the Holy Spirit for Strength


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Wednesday September 14, 2022

sunset, men, silhouettes

“…I am the rose of Sharon and the lily of the valleys. Like the lily among thorns, so is my love among the daughters…” Songs of Solomon 2:1-2 (NKJV)

With so much evil going on in the world today, the only way to live a fulfilled life is to find your strength, joy, and peace in the Holy Spirit. The joy of the Holy Spirit is unspeakable, and His presence brings peace that passes all understanding.

His love for you is deeper than any lover; His comfort is sweeter than the bosom of a mother, His friendship more faithful than that of a lifelong friend, and his companionship more fulfilling than a medal at the Olympics. Learn to lean on Him for strength and let Him be the source of your peace and joy. Open your heart to Him and give Him your undying love because He is all you need.

I admonish you today to love the Father (the Holy Spirit) all the days of your life. Welcome His love and all that He gives you through the Holy Spirit, for His love is real, faithful, and true.

Today’s Rhema

No matter what you face or experience, learn to find strength, joy, and peace in the Holy Ghost!

Confession for the Day

Holy Father! Thank you for your unending love towards me.I declare today that my love for you will continue to abound more and more. I open my heart to your love, strength, joy and peace because in you there is no fear or evil. Amen!

1 comment

  • Mukisa Victoria

    Ameeeeeennnn, this is so amazing sir.God bless you sir

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