Keep Yourself in Training for a Godly Life


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Friday June 30, 2023

Bodybuilder and online coach @Crowtersix working out at a gym!Instagram: @VisualsByRoyalZ

“…but keep away from those godless legends, which are not worth telling. Keep yourself in training for a godly life…” 1 Timothy 4:7 (GNT)

As you journey in your Christian walk, one of the things you must strive to work on, is keeping yourself in training for a godly life, that is, making sure that every day of your life, you are ready and willing to go in the godly path. We are living in a time where ungodliness has increased a great deal. The majority of people in the world today, no longer want to engage in godly activities. They no longer want to do things that please God. They prefer to do things in an ungodly way, and this has brought them so many troubles, but they can’t see it. However, it is for this reason, we are encouraged by Paul the Apostle to keep ourselves in training for a godly life. Although this counsel was given to Timothy, the spiritual son of Paul, trust me, it also applies to us today.

Beloved, when you make up your mind to keep yourself in training for a godly life, it doesn’t matter what temptation the devil brings your way, it will certainly not prevail because, through your training for a godly life, you have been wired to disappoint the devil. So, I encourage you today to work on this aspect of your life. You may ask, “how do I effectively do this?” Well, it is simple! All you need to do is to make a decision and settle it in your heart that this is the kind of life you want to live. Choose to shun evil. The Bible says, “….the wise fear the Lord, and shun evil but the fool is hotheaded and yet feels secure…” Proverbs 14:16 (NIV) Did you see that? Now, the second thing you must do is learn to lean on the Holy Spirit for help. One of the ministries that the Holy Spirit came to fulfill in our lives, is to help us conquer the temptation to do evil, and He does this through our conscience. He is able to communicate with us and let us know when we are off track. And finally, walk in the fear and admonition of the Lord. Do the things you know God is pleased with, and avoid activities that God frowns at. If you can do these few things, you will walk in the path of godliness, and the result is life, life abundant, and the devil will be paralyzed towards you. Praise God!

Today’s Rhema 

When you walk in the path of godliness, life in abundance is what you will get, and most importantly, the devil will be paralyzed towards you!

Confession for the Day 

Glorious God, I am grateful for your love and your counsel. I chose this day to keep myself in training for a godly life. I receive the grace to overcome temptations and to walk strictly on the godly path in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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