Keep Your Promises to God

By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on September 17, 2023

“…O God, it is right for us to praise you in Zion and keep our promises to you, because you answer prayers. People everywhere will come to you…”

Ps 65:1‭-‬2 (GNT)

Over the years, a lot of emphasis has been placed on holding onto God’s promises no matter what we face. Because God is able to fulfill that which He has promised, you see, today, we are going to be talking about you keeping your promises to God. I know this might have never crossed your mind, but have you made any promises to God? If the answer is No, then your relationship with God has been a distant one, and you need to do something about it. But if your answer is yes, my question for you is, have you been keeping your promise to God? Have you been making any effort to fulfill your promise to God?

If for example, you have said to God, I will always study five chapters of the Bible, or I will always pray at least three hours a day, or I will always pay my tithe anytime you bless me, have you been making any effort to keep that promise to God? If the answer is No, then you need to step up in this area and start doing something about it. You might say well, does it really matter? Oh yes, it matters because when you begin to make the efforts in keeping your promises to God, you begin to grow in stature and integrity with God and it is at this point, God begins to treat you in a different way. It is at this point that God can trust you with certain responsibilities. It is this point that, when you pray, or make decrees your words are honored because with God, you are a man of stature and integrity. So, as you journey with God, don’t just only focus on the promises of God, focus on your promises to God as well. Remember, you are in a relationship with God, and it’s important that you give attention to this. The Psalmist understood the important of this, and he said “….O God, it is right for us to praise you in Zion and keep our promises to you, because you answer prayers. People everywhere will come to you…”

Ps 65:1‭-‬2 (GNT). Did you see that? Make a conscious decision to give attention to your promises to God and your walk with God will be that of signs and wonders. Halleluiah!

Today’s Rhema

When you begin to keep your promises to God, you grow in stature and integrity with God!

Confession for the Day

Father, I am sorry for the different times I never kept my promise to you. Today, I have been enlightened and I receive grace to start keeping my promises to you in Jesus name. Amen!

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