Invest in Your Faith


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Friday August 12, 2022

Bodybuilder and online coach @Crowtersix working out at a gym!Instagram: @VisualsByRoyalZ

“….So then, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message comes through preaching Christ…”Romans 10:17 (GNT)

Beloved, how strong do you want your faith to be? How often do you want your faith to deliver results to you? How trustworthy do you want your faith to become? Well, it can be all you want it to be if you will make a conscious decision to invest in your faith. You see, faith is the victory that brings the world to its knees. But the truth remains that whatever you want to achieve through faith is completely dependent on how much investment you have put into your faith.

Today, you find that many people want to do exploits and have mind blowing testimonies, but are unwilling to invest in their faith. They don’t give attention to it or engage in activities that will build their faith, yet they want to see uncommon results. That is not going to happen. As long as you are not deliberately building your faith, it will be weak and unable to deliver results. So, If you truly want to see your faith bear fruits and deliver to you the results that you desire, you must make a conscious decision to invest in your faith. You must spend time building your faith muscles. And the way to do this, is to feed on the Word of God. Study it, listen and meditate on it. In our opening text, the Bible says “…so then, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message comes through preaching Christ…” Romans 10:17 (GNT). Did you see that? So, you must spend time to study and hear God’s word and also stay away from information that weakens your faith. If you can do this, you will build your faith strong and it will produce results for you when you need it . Praise God!

Today’s Rhema

If your faith will be strong enough to deliver results to you, you must spend time to build it through hearing the word of God!

Confession for the Day

Father, I am grateful for this wonderful counsel today. I choose this day to build my faith strong. I choose to stay away from content that breeds fear.  I choose to channel my focus on the Word of God and as I do, my faith is growing stronger and producing massive results in my life in Jesus name. Amen!

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