In Difficult Times, Hold on to the Mirror of the Word (2)


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Friday August 11, 2023

Bible Study

“…it is written, man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God…” —Matthew 4:4 (NKJV) 

Beloved, if you truly want to emerge a winner at all times, you must make a conscious decision to hold on to the mirror of God’s word at all times. I know that this may sound ridiculous to the religious mind, but trust me, this is one thing that can help you scale through any situation in which you may find yourself. Sometimes, I feel sorry for people who trivialize the scriptures because they do not know that the enduring power in any situation lies in the scriptures. They ignore it and don’t pay any attention to it, and yet they want a turnaround. Beloved, it doesn’t happen that way. If you are going to win in any area of your life, you must, first of all, give yourself wholly to the word, search for the promises of God related to the challenges you are facing, and stay with those promises.

Recently, I heard the testimony of Pastor Joel Osteen’s mother, who was diagnosed with cancer many years ago. She fought through that situation and won. But when she spoke of how she won, it was obvious she would certainly win. She read through the Bible, seeking out scriptures on healing, wrote them down, and pasted them everywhere in her house. She then began to confess the words. She kept at it until cancer bowed to the will of God.

Beloved, this is how God wants us to get our victory. Some Christians think that because they are in Christ, they can fold their hands and watch everything fall into place. Well, I am sorry to say that that is not how God wants us to operate. We have a responsibility to work out our salvation and enforce God’s will in our lives and affairs, or else the devil will take advantage of us. So I ask you, what are you currently going through in your life? How many scriptures do you have concerning that matter? And how serious are you about winning the Bibe way? Please take the Scriptures seriously and claim your testimony. Praise God! 

Today’s Rhema 

The enduring power and winning keys in any situation are right in the scriptures; hold on to them!

Confession for the Day 

Father, in the name of Jesus, I thank you for helping me understand my role in taking the scriptures seriously. I declare that as I continue to hold on to the scriptures, I win consistently in all things in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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