“…plan carefully what you do, and whatever you do will turn out right…” Proverbs 4:26 (NKJV)

As believers there are lots and lots of things we want to achieve and acquire in life but something I discovered is that one thing is to have dreams another thing is to execute them. Many of God’s people have great dreams and aspirations but that is where they stop. They are always not able to execute it and the reason this happens is because of poor planning. 

Beloved, it is not enough to have dreams. You must have a good plan if you want your dreams to come to manifestation. In our opening text, the Bible says “…plan carefully what you do, and whatever you do will turn out right…” Proverbs 4:26 (NKJV). Did you see that? This means if your dreams and aspirations are going to become a reality, then you must plan carefully. Now, another thing you must understand about planning is that it has to be done with prayers. Why? You might ask? Well, it is simple, through prayers you get to receive divine inspiration and guidance regarding your plan. Through prayers, silly mistakes will be avoided and you will know the right step and actions to take. Years ago, I learnt that prayerful planning prevents poor performance. So, I admonish you today, if you truly want to see your dreams become a reality, then you must plan carefully. Hallelujah! 


Prayerful planning prevents poor performance! 


Father, I am grateful for opening my eyes to this truth. I choose this day to plan properly in all I do and as I plan, I choose to do it prayerfully for maximum results in Jesus name. Amen!

Categories: August 2022


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