If You Want to Live, You Have to Die


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Saturday June 24, 2023

Person holding a green plant

“…we were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead, through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life….” —Romans 6:4 (NIV)

Any man who desires to live must first be ready to die. I know, this might sound strange but that is just the truth. He must die to the nature of sin and be reborn by the word of God. He must die to the nature of Adam who was the first man and receive a new nature of life in Christ Jesus. This is because the life, that Jesus brought to us, came to us through His death. After His death, He arose from the dead, and He lives forever, never to die again. He did this so that anyone who believes in Him, will die to sin and receive the new life. The death here is not the physical death that the body experiences when the spirit checks out of the body. The death the Bible speaks about is the death to sin which can only be achieved through faith in what Jesus Christ has done for us. 

When a man receives Jesus into his life, He receives a new nature in His spirit, which is a nature of life in Christ Jesus, and this nature is the nature of God Himself. The man who has received Jesus into his life comes alive to God and is no longer separated from God or subject to spiritual death and sin. He receives a new nature and becomes translated from death to life. So, a man who truly wants to live forever with the Lord in eternity must die forever so that he would not die again, this means the man who would receive a new nature must do away with the old nature. It also means the man who would receive the life Jesus carries must die to the life that Adam carried. Meaning, for the new to reign the old must perish, and for the old to perish the man must believe in the death, burial, and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. If you are reading this article today and you have not received Jesus into your life, now is the time to do so. Believe that all Jesus did He did for you, and accept that, “…for the death that he died he died to sin, once and for all, but the life he lives he lives to God. So you also must consider yourselves dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus…” Romans 6:11 (ESV) When you do this you become dead to the old nature, and receive your new life in Christ. Hallelujah!

Today’s Rhema

Die to sin and receive a new life in Christ!

Confession for the Day

Dear Father! I thank You for the new nature that You gave me in Christ Jesus. I declare that I am dead to sin and alive to you. I affirm that I have received a new nature. A new nature that speaks nothing else but life, a nature that is not subject to death or sin, a nature that proceeds from God. Amen!

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