How God Wants You to Handle Success (1)


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Wednesday July 17, 2024

Winning team is holding trophy in hands. Silhouettes of many hands in sunset.

So David realized that the LORD had established him as king of Israel and was making his kingdom prosperous for the sake of his people. After moving from Hebron to Jerusalem, David took more concubines and wives, and had more sons and daughters” 2 Samuel 5:12-13 (GNB)

As a Christian, are you able to handle success? Can you be successful and still be humble? Can you climb so high in life and still be regular in church and be serious about the things of God? These questions might seem strange, but you must consider them because success has destroyed many of God’s people. For some, it pulled them away from God, while for others, it revealed their true character towards God. And then, for a lot of others, it made their love for the world increase and their love for God wax cold. However, you, as a child of God, should be different. You must make a conscious decision to handle success according to God’s will.

It is not enough to ask God to make you successful; the question is, when He does, will you remember Him? Will you still be close to Him? Will you still care about His work and His words? Or will you forget the days of small beginnings and distance yourself from Him? Over the years, many have abandoned God because they tasted success. They turned into something else, all because of the influence of success. However, this is not supposed to be your case, so I encourage you to learn how to handle success in God’s way. As God lifts you, draw closer to God and maintain humility before others. When you do this, you will continue to succeed in all that you do and nothing will be able to pull you down. Hallelujah!

Today’s Rhema

The idea of success is not to forget God but to use your success in honoring and worshiping Him!

Confession for the Day

Thank you heavenly father for reminding me of the need to stay focused and passionate about you amid success. I refuse to lose sight of you no matter how high I climb, rather I choose to stay humble, loyal and faithful all the way in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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