Hope Is When You See the Unseen


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Monday August 15, 2022

spinage, binoculars, watch

“…For we were saved in this hope. But hope that is seen is not hope. For why does one still hope for what he sees? But if we wait for what we do not see, we eagerly wait for it with perseverance….” Romans 8:24-25 (NKJV)

Most times we find ourselves praying and waiting for changes to take place in our lives. But sometimes we can be deceived to think that only what we see or what we know or what we understand can take place. So we just calculate in our mind that one plus one equals two. We don’t see a possibility of having it another way. But the word of God doesn’t teach us like that. What we need in our lives is not usually obvious. The answer to our prayers always exists within the thin rope which is unseen. So we look and expect things to happen in a certain way, but in most cases, they do not. And When things don’t happen the way you want it to go, it doesn’t mean you are unfortunate, it simply means there is another way around it. It simply means the usual is not the best.

As children of the heavenly Father, God wants you to take your eyes off a man. He doesn’t want you to try to predict where he will do his miracles from or know who he will use to work a miracle in your life. God is a connector. He doesn’t need you to tell him to use a certain person or a certain job or a certain contract to work a miracle in your life. He knows where he has kept every person who can help you or be of benefit to you. Stay connected to God and stay focused on his word that is what brings the miracle you need. Praise God!

Today’s Rhema

See the unseen because that is where the reality lies!

Confession for the Day

Gracious father, I thank you for the seed of faith you have imparted into my spirit. By the reason of this faith, I declare that I am moving mountains, breaking new frontiers and bringing the unseen into the seen realm in the Name of Jesus.

1 comment

  • Mukisa victoria

    Hallelujah! Oh I have been so blessed. God bless you sir

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