Hold on to the Things Revealed to You by the Holy Spirit


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Monday October 31, 2022

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“…Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you but My Father who is in heaven…” Matthew 16:17 (NKJV)

The things that the Holy Spirit introduces to us, and reveals to us or makes known to us are uncommon and rare, and we must learn to identify those things and hold on to them. With the Holy Spirit there is always a knowing in you that the information you have received is accurate because it came from the realm of the Spirit or we can say it came from the father Himself. Most times these information when received usually does not look like it will happen, or like the way you saw it or heard from the Holy Spirit, but it will eventually happen, because it came from the Holy Ghost. You might say but how do I know if it came from my mind? Well, if it comes from your mind you will know, because there is a difference between the revelations of the spirit given to you and the regular information which comes from our minds.

The information from the Spirit sometimes may seem stupid or impossible, but if we hold on to it, long enough, we will see its manifestations. One day, Jesus asked his disciples a question saying, who do men say I am? And they all gave different answers. So He said, who do you say I am? Peter answered and said to Him “you are the Christ” Jesus said to him “blessed are you Simon Bar Jonah, for “flesh and blood has not revealed this to you.”(Matthew 16:13-17) By saying this he was referring to an information being perceived by human findings and understanding. Our Lord Jesus knows that no human would have the answer to the question He asked, because they didn’t know the answer. But when He heard Peter give the answer, He just knew that God had ministered to peter. This means, there is flesh and blood information, and there is spirit information. Because there are certain information too big and too deep for the ordinary mind to easily know. So what do we do with information received from the spirit? We Keep it, accept it, have faith in it, use it, and don’t deny it. It’s the vision we keep and remember that we can use. Sometimes people receive information from the spirit and toss it aside, forgetting that all information coming from the spirit of God had a purpose. Sometimes God makes certain information available to us, to tell us what to expect in future, or give us a solution to a current circumstance. Jesus said, “…the Son can do nothing of Himself but what He sees the Father do, for whatever He does, the Son does in like manner…” For the Father loves the Son and shows Him all things that He Himself does.” John 5:19-20. It’s very clear that Jesus did mighty works because He did them according to what the Spirit showed Him. Having kept those things in His heart, He used them, and the people marveled at the works that He did. If you want to achieve great things in your life, you should begin to hold on to the revelations that are granted you by the Spirit of God. Hallelujah!

Today’s Rhema

It’s the visions we keep and remember that we can use.


Thank you Lord God, for the revelations of the spirit that you minister to my mind, I thank you for making my heart a place receptive to spiritual information. I declare today that I will not make light of the revelations of the spirit but will take advantage of all information.

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