Hear Ye Him


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Thursday November 23, 2023


“…And a voice came out of the cloud, saying, “This is my beloved son. Hear Him…!” Luke 9:35 (NKJV)

I think the question we should be asking here is, who was God talking to? Was it Peter, James and John? Because these are the people that the Bible recorded, that followed Jesus to the mountain to pray. Or could this question have been directed to them alone? They were already following Him, listening to Him, and learning from Him. So who was God speaking to? If we take a look at the scripture, in the book of Matthew 16:15-16, the Bible shows us what happened before they went to the mountain. “He said to them, “But who do you say I am?” Simon Peter answered and said, “You are the Christ, the son of the living God.” This shows us that Peter was aware that Jesus was the Son of God, and his proclamation of it made other disciples aware of it too. So who was God talking to? Why did God say, “…this is my beloved son, hear him…?” God wasn’t talking to Peter, James or John. God was speaking to the whole of nature and all that was contained in it. In the book of Genesis, the Bible shows us that God spoke to the world to bring forth light, and it happened. He spoke to the water to split and to have water above and water beneath and it happened. 

The whole of nature listened to God in every word that He spoke, and the same was to be replicated with Jesus the Christ. The work that Jesus did was, at that time, only to the children of Israel; He needed to die for the whole world. And to do that, the whole world needed to recognise him as King and yield to His authority. Therefore, God said, “He is my beloved son,” which means He is the same as I am, and the way you hear Me, you will hear Him. It means the whole of the earth, and those beneath the earth and above the earth were to yield to His word and listen to His commands. This was why the grave could not hold Jesus bound, and Jesus never got stuck in hell (Abraham’s bosom) like Abraham, Isaac and Jacob did. Jesus died and rose again but the others who died before Him never came up from the grave until Jesus died and set men free from hell. And this was why the devil had no choice but to yield to the authority of Jesus when Jesus visited the kingdom of hell. Beloved, if the whole world and all that it contains are hearing Him and recognising His voice, what will you do with Him? Will you hear Him and follow His directives for your life? Will you yield yourself, your will, and your life to Him? I think you should, because it will bless you a great deal and change the direction of your life.

Today’s Rhema

Hear Him and your life will not remain the same!


Dear Father! I thank you for directing me in the way that you want me to go. I thank you because, from today, I will give value to the name of Jesus. And I will hear Him on every instruction and direction he has for my life. Amen!

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