Hear the Word and Grow Your Faith

By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on November 28, 2023
Photo of a boy listening in headphones

“…so then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God…” Romans 10:17 (NKJV)

In my walk so far with God, I have been opportune to meet all manner of people and a set of people I have taken note of, are people who want to walk in mega faith and yet do not want to hear the word. They just feel their faith should rise and do exploits without the necessary ingredient that stirs it up. They believe their faith can do much without the word of God but it doesn’t happen that way. Even though God has generously dealt to every man the measure of faith (Romans 12:3), it is man’s responsibility to groom that faith and let it grow. If it is not groomed and nurtured, it will be active but not really powerful enough to deliver you the kind of results you truly want to get in your life. However, that is why you are getting this message. 

If you truly want your faith to be active and potent, you must learn to give special attention to the word of God in all its formats. Either you read it or listen to it, whatever is convenient for you. But you must give it your attention and believe in it will all your heart. When you do this, you will never run out of zeal or passion for God and His righteousness. Because the word God does not only stir up faith in you, it also stirs up zeal and passion for spiritual matters. Today, I see most people say things like, “I don’t know what is happening to me, I can no longer feel that desire to be in church or study my Bible”. Now, the question is why? It’s simple because they are not studying or hearing the word of God, which is able to keep them afire. So I admonish you today, to give due diligence to your faith walk. Take the word of God seriously because it can unlock in your life unimaginable faith and possibilities. Make time to listen to the word being preached and do not only listen to it, believe what it says and appropriate it into your life and you will see faith rise mightily in your life. Halleluiah!

Today’s Rhema

Taking the word seriously, can unlock in your life unimaginable faith and possibilities!

Confession for the Day

Thank you Heavenly Father for granting me the measure of faith. Henceforth, I choose to grow my faith by hearing the word on a regular basis and doing what it says in the name of Jesus. Amen!

1 comment

  • Mukisa victoria

    Wawo! This is so amazing. Iam supper blessed.Thank you sir

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