He Is Near You

By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on June 18, 2023
footprints on sand

“…have the people of Israel build me a holy sanctuary so I can live there…” —Exodus 25:8 (NIV)

Have you been in some situations lately where it looked as if God was far away? Have you been thinking that God is silent in the situation in which you have found yourself? Well, I have news for you. While the devil may try to make it seem as though God is far from you, it is a lie from the pit of hell. God is in you and with you. He is closer to you than you think, and the beautiful part is that He is always present to help you. The fact that he is silent does not mean that he is absent. The challenge is that too many people have the wrong mindset about God and how He relates to us. Many people think that God works with us like a man, but that is not true. God is not a man, and therefore, you have to fix your mindset about God and believe that He is with you at all times. Refuse to give in to the lies of the devil, and always know that God is near.

In the book of Isaiah 41:10, the Bible says, “Do not be afraid – I am with you! I am your God- let nothing terrify you…”. The question is, do you believe this? Can you put your faith in this statement? Many people find it hard to believe this, but for you reading this now, it should be different. If you truly want to experience the help of God in your life, then you must learn to take God at His word and believe what He says. Remember, He is not a man that He should lie (Numbers 23:19). 

Now, you might say, it is easier said than done. Well, if you cannot rest your faith in a statement like this, then you aren’t really a believer. You should be able to take God at His word and believe it. So, whatever situation you have found yourself in, I encourage you today to know that He is near you and He is ever-ready to respond to you if you choose to seek Him diligently. The question is, are you willing to seek Him diligently with all your heart? If you do, then you will understand that truly, God is near. Praise God!

Today’s Rhema

No matter what you face or go through, always remember that God is near!


Lord God Almighty! I praise your holy name because you are good, kind, and just. I thank you for reminding me of your presence in my life. I thank you for letting me know you are my ever-present help in times of need; therefore, I decree in the name of Jesus that I rest on all sides because God is with me. Praise God!

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