Have Nothing to Do with Lies and Misleading Words


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Monday April 1, 2024

girls, whispering, best friends

“…put away from you a deceitful mouth, and put perverse lips far from you…” Proverbs 4:24 (NKJV) 

When you give your life to Christ, one of the first things God expects from you is to change the way you speak because He wants you to speak with grace and speak the truth. But sadly that is not the case today. There are too many people today  whose mouths are full of the wrong things, from lies, to curses, and lots more. You will never hear them tell the truth or speak without annoying someone. They are just comfortable with speaking the wrong things, back stabbing people and inciting enmity amongst people. For some, they even feel that talking that way is their strength but believe me they are walking in error.

Beloved, you need to always remember that you are a Christian, we have a kingdom to represent and a name to protect. A Christian whose mouth is full of evil is not representing the kingdom of God well. And is not laying a good foundation that others can emulate. One thing people watch out for to know how matured you are in the things of God is your words and it makes them either respect or disrespect you. Even God, the Bible says listens to us so that He can perform our words (Isaiah 44:26) but if your words are full of deceit, what will He have to work with? Nothing! So you must be concerned about this and begin from now to watch the things you say. Remove completely from your mouth all manner of lies, cursing and vulgar languages. It is a decision you can make in one day and you will be amazed at how your life will turn around for good. The Bible says “…let him who wants to enjoy life and see good days (good- whether apparent or not) keep his tongue free from evil and his lips from guile (treachery, deceit)…”1 Peter 3:10 (AMP). Did you see that? If you want to see good days? Work on your mouth.

Today’s Rhema

A deceitful mouth is not a good representative of the kingdom of God!

Confession for the Day

Thank you heavenly father for your grace and mercies. I thank you for opening my mind to the truth. I declare that as I go about my day to day activities, I will speak the right things and speak the truth at all times in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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