Have a Determined Prayer Life


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Friday September 16, 2022

prayer, faith, religion

“In those days, I, Daniel, was mourning three full weeks. I ate no pleasant food, no meat or wine came into my mouth, nor did I anoint myself at all, till three whole weeks were fulfilled.” Daniel 10:2-3 (NKJV)

In our opening text, we see how Daniel, through determination, tarried in the place of prayer until he received the visitation of an angel. If you are going to get results from the place of prayer, you must be determined. Why? Because determination is a key ingredient needed for you to see the results you want to see when you pray.  Sometimes, the results we are looking for might not come easily to us because of several circumstances that might surround the situations that we face. But if you are determined, you will surely prevail. In Daniel’s case, God heard his prayers and dispatched an angel to come speak to him, but the angel was apprehended in the heavens by the prince of Persia (Daniel 10:12-14), and for three full weeks, he was withheld until there was an angelic reinforcement, which came to break the angel out of the captivity of the Prince of Persia. But what activated the angelic reinforcement was determination and continuity in prayers. If Daniel was not determined to get answers, there wouldn’t have been an angelic reinforcement.

Likewise, without determination in prayers, it is not possible for us to see the kind of results that we expect to see, because there are demonic forces in the unseen realm, working hard to frustrate our plans and purposes. And the only thing that can put them off and break their hold is determination. So I admonish you today to have a determined prayer life. Don’t pray and quit. Pray and continue to pray until you win, no matter how long it takes. It is a persistent, heartfelt, continued prayer that gets the job done.

Maybe you have prayed concerning certain matters in the past and nothing happened, so you decided to give up. I encourage you to pray again, and this time with determination. Tell yourself, “I will not come out of this exercise without reasonable or tangible results.” If you make serious decisions like this, you will certainly succeed in all your life’s endeavors because those who win in life are those who have laser-like determination. When there is no determination, there can be no emancipation. So take a moment and review your prayer life today. Identify the areas that need to be addressed and get back to praying, knowing very well that this time, things will be different. When you begin to pray with determination, you might not immediately see the desired results, but don’t let that distract you because, if you continue, you will surely see the reward of the Lord. God bless you.

Today’s Rhema

Don’t pray and quit, pray and win, irrespective of the hurdles and delays!

Confession for the Day

Thank you Heavenly Father for making it possible for me to receive answers through prayers. I declare that I will continue to pray until I see my change because I know that you are the God who answers prayers and wants to do your children well. Therefore, nothing will stop me. I resist every resistance and prevail over every stubborn problem in the Name of Jesus. Amen!

1 comment

  • Mukisa victoria

    Glorrrrryyyyyyyy.have been so blessed .indeed prayer works.God bless you sir

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