Grow in the Fear of the Lord


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Monday October 24, 2022

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“…the fear of the Lord is the foundation of true wisdom. All who obey his commandments will grow in wisdom. Praise Him forever…” Psalms 111:10 (NLT)

One thing in life is to have the fear of the Lord but another thing is to grow in it. Most people don’t understand it this way. They believe that having the fear of the Lord is all that matters but I discovered that it is possible to have the fear of the Lord in one area of your life and in another area you treat God with disdain. For example, there are those who when it comes to paying their tithes they have great fear (reverence), for God in that area but when it comes to adultery or lying or fornication, they don’t see anything wrong in it. There are those who find it very humbling to send their tithes through somebody to the house of the Lord while they stay back in the house with the excuse that they are very busy. They give God reverence by sending their tithes but disrespect God by sitting down in the house. Although, they may never see this as disrespect but that is what it is. God is as interested in your presence as He is interested in your tithe. As far as He is concerned, you are expected to bring to Him the tithe as a sign of your honor not send it through someone else.

Therefore, you must learn to increase the areas you honor God in your life. It is true that at the early stage of the Christian walk, there are areas you might stumble and still disrespect God without meaning to but as you continue with your walk with God, He expects you to grow and mature. He expects you to become fully obedient to Him and not partly obedient because half obedience is no obedience. So I admonish you to deliberately grow in the fear of God in your life, don’t stay in one spot repeating the same mistakes you have made again and again over the years. See to it that those areas of your life where you haven’t really been honoring God, are worked on so that God will be glorified in that area. Remember, those areas of your lives where God is not being glorified, the devil is the one taking the glory. Therefore, choose this day to grow in the fear of the Lord, honor Him in every area of your life, for He has said “…those who honor Me I will honor, and those who despise Me shall be lightly esteemed…” 1 Samuel 2:30

Today’s Rhema

An obedience in part is no obedience!

Confession for the Day

Thank you heavenly father for letting me know the things you expect from me and for helping me to understand how to walk with you. I declare that henceforth my fear for you in all matters grows rapidly and by the power of the Holy Ghost, there shall not be any area of my life that will glorify the devil you and you alone in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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