God’s Rightful Place in You (1)


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Tuesday May 14, 2024

The throne of god that comes from heaven with bright light behind.

“…as God has said: I will dwell in them and walk among them. I will be their God, and they shall be my people…” 2 Corinthians 6:16 (NKJV)

Have you ever been told that when God created you, He created a vacuum in you ONLY He could fill? Well, He did and I call it the God vacuum in you. it is the vacuum that causes you to yearn for God and crave for His presence. It is the vacuum that allows you to enjoy fellowship with God. It is the vacuum that brings us a certain kind of fulfillment and satisfaction in life which can never be gotten anywhere else but in God. It is a vacuum that only God can occupy. So you have a responsibility to make sure that this vacuum in you is occupied by God at the earliest.

There are too many people out there who are living their lives without God. I mean, when the subject of God is discussed, they get turned off. Some people don’t want to hear about it because they feel that it is not grounded in reality.  But the truth is, those who do that do not know what they are missing out on. 

You‘ve got to understand that life without God is a life in darkness. It is a life at the mercy of the devil and his cohorts, it is a life of chaos and absolute disorder. You might have all the money in the world, have all the possessions in the world, but the truth remains that if the God vacuum in your life is still empty then you are living an empty life because God has yet to take His rightful place in your life. Therefore, I call on you today to do something about it before it is too late. If you are a believer already, do not be a passive believer. Be an active believer, who has given God His rightful place. Once you do this, you will always win in life no matter the situation. Hallelujah!

Today’s Rhema

As long as God is yet to take His rightful place in your life, everything will be in disarray!

Confession for the Day

Father, I am grateful for giving me the gift of life. I choose to honor you with this life by giving you your rightful place in my life and all my life, nothing will take your place in my life in the name of Jesus. Amen!

1 comment

  • I have read the word,it’s powerful and timely. I am a believer but I have a problem of raising and falling, this minute am hot the next am cold. I understand it’s because I haven’t given God His rightful place. How do I commit fully to God?

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