God Listens to Those in Need


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Friday September 22, 2023

“…the Lord listens to those in need and does not forget his people in prison…” Psalm 69:33 (GNT)

One of the biggest lies of the devil is that calling on God is a waste of time. Many over the years have fallen for this deception and have missed out on many of God’s blessings.

Beloved, no matter what the devil tries to make you believe, you must never forget that God still listens to His children and the beautiful part is that He is always willing and ready to answer those who are in need. But you see, you need to believe this if you want to see God answer your prayers.

The Psalmist understood this truth and he said, …the Lord listens to those in need and does not forget his people in prison…” Ps 69:33 (GNT). Did you see that? I encourage you today to learn to call on God no matter what you face or go through because He listens and is willing to hear you when you call. So, what are you waiting for? Call on God today and watch God move mightily in your life. Praise God

Today’s Rhema

God is willing to help you if you are willing to listen!

Confession for the Day 

Father, I am grateful for this wonderful article, I refuse to give in to the lies of the devil. I choose to call on you again and again, and as I do this, I am seeing results in Jesus name. Amen!

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