God Is Not Looking for Your Weaknesses but Your Yes


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Saturday August 27, 2022

Ascension day concept: The scars In the hands of Jesus Christ over tombstone sunrise background

“…for the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart…” —1 Samuel 16: 7B

A lot of times, you find people who are not able to bring out their true potential and use it to serve God. They keep hiding in the crowd and saying that they cannot handle any responsibility in the house of God because they feel that they are not good enough to handle it. They live each day of their lives avoiding God but the truth remains that God is not looking for a man who is already perfect to worship Him, He is looking for people whom He can make perfect. When God located Moses and told him His plan of delivering the Israelites out of Egypt through him, Moses reluctantly said, “who am I that I should go to pharaoh, and that I should bring the children of Israel out of Egypt (Exodus 3:11) Moses was so sure that this task was not for him because of what it entails but God encouraged him and He accepted to go on the mission. At first, he didn’t want to go because he had always seen himself as a man who had weaknesses. But God proved Him wrong when mighty miracles began to take place through Him. God was able to encourage him and still get him to do the needful because God does not look at our weaknesses but our heart.

Likewise, as a child of God, you should always remember that God is not looking at your weaknesses but your heart and your yes. The earlier you understand this, the better for you. There are people who have refused to do anything for God because they think that God considers their weaknesses but such erroneous ideas need to be corrected. God already knows that we have weaknesses and that is why He sent us the Holy Spirit to dwell in us so that He can be our helper (John 14:26). So, rather than concentrate on your weaknesses, shift the focus to the Holy Spirit who is in you and acknowledge His ministry in you. As the year continues, refuse to consider any weakness and set your focus on the Holy Spirit and that which He has come to fulfill in you. Make up your mind that before this year runs out, you will take responsibilities in the house of the Lord and depend on the Holy Spirit to help you carry out your duties. All that God is looking for is a willing heart, a heart that is willing to say yes to the Lord. So, get ready and stop looking at your weaknesses because God does not consider them. As a matter of fact, the Bible says His strength is made perfect in your weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9 NKJV).

Today’s Rhema

Rather than concentrate on your weaknesses, shift the focus to the Holy Spirit who is in you and acknowledge His ministry in you!

Confession for the Day

Thank you, Heavenly Father, for sending your Spirit to come and be my helper, I declare that this year, I refuse to allow any erroneous belief to rob me of what I am supposed to do for God. Therefore, I set my focus on the Holy Spirit and what He has come to help me fulfill in Christ Jesus. No more will any weakness be considered but the grace of God which has been made available to me in all sufficiency. Praise God!

1 comment

  • Mukisa victoria

    Ameeeeeennnnn.i have been super blessed. Thank you so much sir .God bless you sir.

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