Give Attention to Your Spirit

By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on December 3, 2022
Sunshine bath

“…The spirit of a man will sustain him in sickness, But who can bear a broken spirit?” Proverbs 18:14 (NKJV)

For many years, the focus of many people is their physical self that is the outer man. They do everything they can to take very good care of their body. They feed the body with all manner of good food, they give the body all manner of good treatment and in most cases, they give the body all that the body desires and they ignore their spirit man, which is the inner man. They do not know that their spirit man is the real man. They do not know that their spirit man is the man that sustains the outer man and makes the outer to excel. They do not know that their Spirit man is the man that connects to the eternal realm (God) to bring all that they need into time. So, they do not pay careful attention to develop the spirit man and give to it what it deserves. 

Now, when trouble comes their Spirit man is not able to sustain them and provide the necessary help that it could have provided. You know why? Because the Spirit man is weak and undeveloped. No attention has been given to it for years, so there is really nothing the spirit man can do for the outer man. Beloved, you must understand that the real you is not your body. The real you is your Spirit, the outer man is the habitat of the Spirit man. If you can give as much attention to your Spirit man as you would to your body, trust me there will be a lot of progress in your life. Remember, the Bible says in our opening text, “…the spirit of a man will sustain him in sickness, But who can bear a broken spirit?” Proverbs 18:14 (NKJV). Did you see that? I encourage you today to begin to pay careful attention to your Spirit man. Give it the food it requires to be strong which is God’s word, prayer and fasting. Avoid activities that weaken your Spirit man and engage more in activities that strengthens and builds up your spirit man. So, the day you need your Spirit man to sustain the happenings of the outer man, it will not disappoint you. Hallelujah! 

Today’s Rhema

Spend time to develop and build your Spirit man, so that the day you need it to sustain the happenings of your physical being, you will not be disappointed!

Confession for the Day

Glorious and everliving Father, I am grateful for this wonderful truth. I decree that the grace and wisdom to give attention to my spirit man, is at work in me and I am effective at it in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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