Fight to Increase Your Capacity


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Thursday July 25, 2024

people near assorted-color hot air balloon during sunset

“…and to one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one, to each according to his own ability…” Matthew 25:15 (NKJV)

It is easy for a man to say, “I want to build a house, have five children, become a manager in my office, and be a diplomatic representative for my country.” Dreams are good; desires are the starting point for fulfilling lives. However, merely desiring something will not make it happen.

When considering someone for a position of authority, their ability is always a factor. A man who cannot handle ten people will not be given fifty because he has not proven that he can handle more responsibility than he currently has. Similarly, a man who has not been able to confidently manage one thousand dollars cannot expect to receive one million from God because he lacks the ability to manage the resources entrusted to him.

The story of the rich man in the Bible illustrates this principle. He gave his servants talents according to their abilities. Those given higher talents were able to handle them and returned with double. Only the man given one talent did nothing with it. When his master asked to see what he had come back with, it was the same one that had initially been handed over to him.

This scenario reveals why he was only given one. His master knew his ability and knew he would not be able to handle more. The only thing he was good at was keeping something without multiplying it (Matthew 25:14-30).

The lesson from this story is that we should not rush to get angry when God does not give us what we ask for or complain that what we have is not enough to do what we want. It would be better to ask ourselves how we would handle more if we had it. Would we even be able to handle it at all? Reflecting on these questions can help us understand why we have what we have.

To receive more, the solution is simple: increase your capacity and do more than you are doing now. Pray more than you are praying now to receive more. Put in a little more effort in what you’re doing and be consistent in your efforts, and more will be given to you. Praise God.

Today’s Rhema

Increase your capacity and you will handle more!

Confession for the Day

Father and Lord of my Life! I thank you because you have continued to supply to me what you know that I can handle. Today I have received new strength to do more. I have received increase in my ability. And I declare that from henceforth I can do much more and I receive much more, in Jesus name. Amen!

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