Evaluate Your Life from Time to Time (Part 2)

By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on September 24, 2024
A person standing on a rock under a starry night sky

“Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Do you not know yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you?—unless indeed you are disqualified.”2 Corinthians 13:5 (NKJV)

In the first part of this article, we discussed the importance of regularly evaluating your life. It is not just a suggestion but a scriptural recommendation for every believer. God expects us to take time to reflect on our lives periodically. Interestingly, it is during these moments of self-evaluation that God begins to reveal areas that need improvement. Some people say they’ve never heard from God or don’t know how to hear His voice. This is often because they don’t create the time to evaluate themselves. When you do, you’ll notice God communicating through an inner witness, making His will known to you. So, self-evaluation is essential if you want to improve the quality of your life.

However, there are guidelines to follow when evaluating yourself. First, avoid condemning yourself or comparing yourself to others. Also, it’s not about complaining or murmuring. Self-evaluation is about shining the light on yourself and identifying areas in your life that no longer align with God’s Word. For instance, when you notice things like excessive anger, addictions, impatience, or quarreling, it’s a clear sign you need to make adjustments. These behaviors indicate that you are drifting away from the principles of the Bible, and it’s time for a course correction.

Self-evaluation helps us put our lives in order and allows us to continue growing in the path God has set for us as believers. A person who doesn’t reflect on their life will not know whether they are improving or not, because they haven’t taken the time to track their progress. Without evaluation, they won’t recognize when unhealthy habits have crept in. So, be encouraged to start today. Evaluate your life using God’s Word as your standard. Hallelujah!

Today’s Rhema

Those things that are useless to us we delete, and those things that are useful to us we embrace.

Confession for the Day

Dear Father, thank You for all You have done in my life and for helping me see the importance of self-evaluation. I will regularly examine myself, using Your powerful Word as my guide, and I begin this journey today. In Jesus’ name, Amen!

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