Embrace and Appreciate Who You Are (Part 1)


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Monday August 12, 2024

women, mirror, reflection

“…for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well.” – Psalms 139:14 (NKJV)

I’ve seen many people today doing everything possible to try to be someone else. Some have even gone as far as undergoing surgery just to look like somebody else. But why go to such lengths? It doesn’t make any sense. What’s even more astonishing is that there are men who are trying to be like women and women who are trying to be like men, all because they’re not satisfied with the way they look.

Beloved, as a child of God, you don’t need to be someone else to achieve anything in life; you just need to be yourself. Trying to be someone else is like interfering with the way God created you. It’s a distortion of God’s original intent, and that’s absolutely not good.

When you attempt to be like someone else, you’re indirectly telling God, “I’m not satisfied with the way You created me; I need to look like someone else.” This is a confession of discontentment that can only lead to the destruction of the beauty that God originally gave you. You should never reach this point in your life because you were created in the image of God, and He didn’t make a mistake when He created you the way you are.

Therefore, embrace who you are and appreciate the way God has made you. Until you do this, you’ll never see the uniqueness that God has given you—a uniqueness that is meant to bless and uplift you in your life. So make a conscious decision today to be yourself and embrace who you are. Hallelujah!

Today’s Rhema

You are unique just the way you are, and your blessing is tied to your uniqueness!

Confession for the Day

Father, I thank You for making me unique. I thank You for all the unique features You’ve given me. I choose this day to embrace and appreciate these realities in my life. As I do, I declare that I am enjoying the blessings of embracing who You have made me to be, in Jesus’ name. Amen!

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