Don’t Relate with God by Logic


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Friday August 16, 2024

lady, brain, pink

“But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.” – Hebrews 11:6 (NKJV)

Over the years, I have come across many believers who try to use logic when it comes to dealing with God. So, they ask questions like, Why would a loving God create a place like hell? Why would a loving God allow the people He loves to go through difficult situations? Why can’t He just save them from such situations if He is all-powerful? As pertinent as these questions might seem, they are ultimately unprofitable because they often come from the senses. You may never get enough answers when your questions about the spiritual are rooted in the senses. This is why people who ask such questions never experience the miraculous power of God.

Beloved, if you want to experience God and His miraculous power, you must relate to Him by faith and not logic. You must understand that God is God, and He created the whole world, including us. He has made everything for a purpose; and everything He does is for a reason. From man’s perspective, it may not always seem right. 

For example, people who walk by logic believe that you can spend eternity with God if you do enough good works here on earth. According to the senses, this sounds true and reasonable, but according to God, that is not the path He has laid down for men to spend eternity with Him. Rather, God in His wisdom has made it such that in order to spend eternity with Him, you must pay the price for your sins to be wiped away. And no one is capable enough to pay for their own sins, no matter how many good works they perform. So, God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, who came and paid the price for us with His blood. All we need to do is receive Him into our lives, and His sacrifice will speak for us. This is the path God has created for you. It is not logical, but it is God’s will. Your responsibility is to believe what God has said and submit your will to it. But you see, it takes faith to submit to God’s will, not logic.

Therefore, be encouraged today to follow God in faith by submitting to His will and forgetting about your opinions. Your opinions may be right, but only God’s opinion counts. So, follow God in faith and not logic. Remember, the Bible says, “Without faith it is impossible to please God.” – Hebrews 11:6 (NKJV).

Today’s Rhema

To experience God and His power, follow Him in faith, not logic!

Confession for the Day

Today, I receive grace and wisdom to relate to God purely by faith and not by reasoning. As I do this, I am bearing fruits in my walk with God, in Jesus’ name. Amen!

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