Don’t Leave the Word of God in the Book


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Friday May 12, 2023

photo of person holding a bible

“…but what does it say? “The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart.” —Romans 10:8 (NKJV)

The word in your mouth and in your heart—these are the only two places God expects us to always keep His word, but most believers leave it on the pages of the Bible and think it will work for them. But it doesn’t work that way. This kind of erroneous belief is the reason you hear some people say, when sharing a testimony, “I put my Bible under my pillow,” because somehow they believe that the Bible under the pillow is what makes the word work, but it isn’t so. It is the word in your mouth and in your heart that makes it effective. People spend years reading the Bible but don’t keep it in their mouths or in their hearts, which is where the power lies. So you have a responsibility to study the word, meditate on it, store it up in your heart, and speak it out through your mouth. God encourages us to study His word and know it for ourselves. You might say, “Sir, the word of God is already compiled in a book, and if I have a need for it, I can always reach out for my Bible, so why study at all? What do I do with the word of God today, and how does the word of God fit into my world or my lifestyle today? Is the word of God for everybody? Can everyone benefit from the word of God in his or her heart and on their lips?” 

Well, yes! The word of God is for everybody; the word of God is to be used by everyone. There is so much we can benefit from the word of God, especially when it is in our hearts and on our lips. The word of God on our lips is God talking with our mouth, and the word of God in our hearts is God dwelling in our hearts. God’s word is alive; but not while it is still on paper. The word on paper is just a compilation; it cannot help you if it’s not lifted from the paper into your heart. It can’t transform you if it’s not confessed with the mouth. So lift it out of the book and make it effective and productive in your life. Let the living word of God become activated in every fiber of your being, and every part of you. The word will change your life if you allow it. The word will reorganize your life if you meditate on it, and if it’s on your lips. So lift the word from the papers, into your heart, and on your lips, and never leave it in your Bible.. God bless you!

Today’s Rhema

The word on your lips is God talking!

Confession for the Day

Thank you, Father, for giving us the word for our use. Thank you for speaking through our lips every time we utter your word. I declare that from today, I will study more of your word, and continue to have your word on my lips in Jesus name. Amen!

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