Don’t Get Tired of Confessing God’s Word


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Sunday August 21, 2022

Woman using megaphone

“…as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded…” 2 Chronicles 15:7 (NIV)

A major principle revealed to us in the scriptures that can consistently change our lives is confessing and declaring God’s Word over our lives and situations. It is the key to possession and advancement in these times of uncertainty. It is something every child of God should engage in to experience all-round success. However, while it is important to confess God’s word, we must also not give up in the process. It is not enough to know the words and confess them when the going is good. We ought to keep at it even when the going gets tough. Something I have discovered recently is that people find it easy to declare God’s Word when things are smooth, but when they start facing certain challenges, the Word of God departs from their lips. But this shouldn’t be the case. 

You are expected to maintain your confession regardless of the circumstances. No matter what the devil throws at you, be smart enough to look beyond it and stick to God’s Word and His promises. Remember, we don’t confess God’s word simply because it is nice to do. We declare the Word because we believe what it says concerning our lives at different points in time. So if you believe what the Word says, make it a point of duty to declare it both in good times and in rough times. Refuse to allow the situation you go through to determine the Words that come out of your mouth.  Our words ought to be influenced by God’s Word, not our situation. Therefore, take heed and refuse to allow the devil make you give up. It is either to say God’s word or be quiet if you have nothing to say. The pressure on you might be very strong but maintain your stand and choose to say what God has said, never give up on it because it is the power you need to subdue. Praise God!

Today’s Rhema

Refuse to allow the situations you go through influence your words!

Confession for the Day

Father in the Name of Jesus, I thank you for reminding me of the importance of sticking to your Word. Henceforth, I choose to declare only what your Word has said and not what my situation is saying. I refuse to give up on declaring your Word, because your Word is life to me and to all that concerns me. Praise God!

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