Don’t Cry Over Situations, Laugh at Them Instead


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Thursday January 18, 2024

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“He who sits in the Heavens shall laugh…” Psalms 2:4 (NKJV)

The challenges of life never end, it has been noticed that for every stage in life, there are challenges and situations that you would need to overcome to move to the next stage of life, which means there is a challenge for every stage. So now that you understand this, you mustn’t succumb to the pressure and sadness that comes with situations like this. If you do not mount guard over your heart, the challenges of life could drive you crazy and affect your overall health. Refuse to be among those who are in the habit of giving in to pressure, rather learn to laugh at these situations and know that no matter what happens you will prevail. When we take a look at the scriptures, the Bible gives us a clue on how God handles matters. On one occasion the Bible says, “He who sits in the Heavens shall laugh…” Psalms 2:4 (NKJV). Now, what was He laughing at? He was laughing at the kings of the earth and rulers, who have set themselves together and taken counsel together against the Lord (Psalms 2:1). God had to laugh at them because, from the beginning when they started their plans, it had already failed.

Beloved, this is how we ought to respond to situations. Don’t sit down crying or panicking like one who has no hope. You are a Christian and the Bible says “…Christ in you, the Hope of glory…” Colossians 1:27 (NKJV). The implication of this is that, as long as you have Christ in you, there is hope to come out of that situation you have found yourself. You may be battling with a health issue, financial issue job loss or even a marital issue, you need to understand that as long as Christ is in you, you can be sure to always win. Therefore, I encourage today to learn to laugh at situations. Do not allow the situations of life to remove laughter and joy from your life. Choose to prevail and press on in prayer, fasting, giving of sacrifices and declaring the word over your life and situation. If you can do these things consistently, you can be sure to come out victoriously. So, what are you waiting for, have sessions of laughter today and be confident that He who has started a good job in you, will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ (Philippians 1:6 (NKJV)

Today’s Rhema

Rather than get sad and depressed over that situation, laugh at it because therein lies your victory!

Confession for the Day

No matter what I face, I will laugh and laugh at that situation and I will continue to press on in prayers, fasting and sowing of seeds because I know that as I do this, I am receiving divine solutions and coming out victoriously in Jesus name. Amen!

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