Don’t Be Afraid to Try Again


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Tuesday March 5, 2024

Row of switched off light bulbs with one lit on and shining. Idea, leadership or creativity concepts. 3d rendering illustration with copy space.

“…remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith…” Hebrews 13:7 (NIV)  

You may have been through a lot in your life, you may have tried several things and it failed and this has given you a certain conclusion that “Nothing is going to work out.” Maybe your bad experiences yesterday have given you a conclusion about tomorrow that there is nothing else you can try. So you have made a habit of saying to yourself, “It’s just not going to work out.” Well, you need to understand, that what you did yesterday and failed, has nothing to do with what you are doing today. It’s time you understand, you can’t carry yesterday’s fear and failures into tomorrow’s future. You have got to try again. Don’t predict the outcome of your situation negatively because you had one bad experience. 

Every experience we have in life, whether good or bad, is to attain better skills for tomorrow. So a bad past is not a determining factor for tomorrow’s success. A bad past is a required skill for tomorrow’s future. Because the mistakes we make, come to make us stronger and better equipped for tomorrow. The mistakes we made yesterday happened not to make us unqualified, but to make us qualified for tomorrow’s promotion. So every time we make a mistake we get better or every time the things we do don’t work out, it comes to add to our experience certification, to qualify us for tomorrow’s advancement. So it’s obvious that every situation will determine its outcome, so judging the outcome of a new situation from an old one is unnecessary because it doesn’t have to work out like that. Every situation determines its outcome, and the outcome is dependent on the principles you apply not the old ones. So don’t be afraid to try again, don’t be afraid to do something new because this time, it will work out for your good. Hallelujah! 

Today’s Rhema

A bad experience in the past is not a determining factor for tomorrow’s success!

Confession for the Day

Heavenly Father! I thank you for the refreshment from your word because it has brightened my day Therefore, I declare that I will only focus on making today a good story so the outcome of my tomorrow will be according to my plan. Amen!

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