Doing Anything for the Lord Is a Privilege (1)

By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on April 22, 2024
Hand farmer holdind ripe grapes in the vineyard field at sunset

“…Heaven is my throne, and earth is my footstool. What house will you build for me? Says the Lord, or what is the place of my rest? Has my hand not made all these things?” Acts 7:49-50 (NKJV) 

We are living in a world today, where doing things for God has become a burden to many people. When you ask them to come to the house of the Lord to worship the Lord, they grumble about it. When you ask them to give the house of the Lord, they are always reluctant. There is nothing you ask people to do for the Lord today, that they will not complain but in the real sense, is that how it is supposed to be? The answer is a big No. Beloved, you must understand that doing anything for the Lord is a huge privilege. Let me explain.

A closer look at the question God asked in the opening text makes me understand and see how big and mighty God truly is. God is saying to us that, Heaven in all its glory is His throne, and this earth we have all come to love, is just a place God rests His feet. Thinking about it, I realized that I don’t have enough to do anything for God because He owns everything, and there is nothing I could ever give to Him that He cannot afford, and there is nothing I could ever offer to God that didn’t first belong to God. It even goes further to mean that I own nothing of my own, because everything I can see or touch belongs to God, and that God is too big for me to think He lacks anything or I need to give to Him to survive Him. He is too big to be needy of my gifts or my offerings. Therefore when I have and can give to Him, I should consider it an opportunity He gave me to present myself and my offering to Him. Now, this means every opportunity I get to do something for the Lord or even give something to the Lord, is a privilege. Hallelujah!

Today’s Rhema

Anytime you get an opportunity to do anything for the Lord, do it joyfully because it is a privilege and burden!

Confession for the Day 

Father, I am grateful for giving me such a marvelous understanding of you. I refuse to allow myself to be burdened by doing anything for you. I choose to joyfully do things for you because I have come to know that it is a huge privilege. Hallelujah!

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