Do Not Hold Offence Against Your Brother (2)

By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on January 22, 2024
Father arguing teenage son sitting on campus bench, puberty age difficulties

“…Moreover if your brother sins against you, go and tell his fault between you and him alone. If he hears you, you have gained a brother…” Matthew 18:15 (NKJV)

Having discussed the importance of letting your brother or sister know their offences against you, someone might say what if I do that, and the person is not willing to listen or agree to what they did, what do I do? Well, it is simple! Our Lord Jesus Christ said, “…if he will not hear, take with you one or two more, that by the mouth of two or three witnesses, every word may be established. And if he refuses to hear them, tell it to the church. But if he refuses even to hear the church, let him be to you like a heathen and a tax collector…” Matthew 18:16-17 (NKJV) Did you see that? If you have taken these steps and nothing happened, then let them be. Refuse to be bitter about it or disgruntled. Refuse to keep anything in your heart against anyone in the fold who has offended you. In the first place, avoid taking offence for every little thing, and if ever you find yourself offended, go straight to the one who has offended you and let the person know what he or she has done. When you do this, you are giving that man or woman the chance to see what he or she has done and change. Also when you reach out, you are allowing yourself to let go of the hurt or the offence and be free. 

Also, when you reach out, you are breaking the hold of pride and ego from your life. Most times, the reason people are not able to go to the people who offended them is because of pride and ego. However, when you make the move of letting them know what they did wrong, you break the hold of pride and ego and give room for humility to take over. Interestingly, in pride, people fall but in humility, people are lifted and given grace (James 4:6).

So again I ask you, who has offended you lately? Who is that person who has brought you pain or disappointment? Don’t hold it against them, rather approach them and let them know what they have done so that they can change. Our Lord Jesus Christ said, when you act like this, you have gained a brother. And trust me when these things are done in love and humility, the person will most likely listen to you. It may not happen immediately, but the seed you have sown in their heart will begin to grow and soon, they will come to realisation.

Today’s Rhema

Don’t hold on to offence; rather, let it go and you will gain a brother!

Confession for the Day 

Thank you heavenly for the wisdom you have given to me today through your world. I refuse to hold resentment against anybody. I chose to communicate all offences with the people concerned and as I do this, my relationships are improving in Jesus name. Amen!

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