Do Not Be Easily Offended

By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on June 14, 2022
frustrated, annoyed, person

“…Remember this, my dear friends! Everyone must be quick to listen, but slow to speak and slow to become angry…” James 1:19 (GNT)

As you journey in your Christian walk, there are several things you must work on in your life to be able to experience God’s mercy and grace on a regular basis. One of those things is learning to be slow to anger or slow to take offense.

I know this might not look like something big but trust me, if you do not work on it deliberately it could go a long way to hinder you. It could even go as far as making you lose opportunities or even spoiling your relationships with people. Over the years, people have lost great opportunities and relationships because they were easily offended but this should not be your case.

You must make a conscious decision to become mindful of this. People will offend you from time to time, they will cross their boundaries with you but trust me, refuse to let it get to you. It is true that it can be hard sometimes but trust me if your mind’s made up, you will not take offense, rather you will overlook it and let go. When you operate like this you will grow very fast in your walk with God and manifest the realities of the kingdom easily. So, “…be quick to listen, but slow to speak and slow to become angry…” James 1:19 (GNT)

If your mind’s made up there is nothing anybody will do to you that will get you offended!

Confession for the Day

Thank you Father, for reminding me of the need to be let go and not take offense. I decree this day that the grace to truly let go is work in me and as I put this to practice, I am growing spiritually and my relationship with people is improving in the name of Jesus

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