Did You Hear from God? (2)

By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on October 18, 2022
mind, woman, make a phone call

“…they that are led by the Spirit of God are the sons of God…” Romans 8:14

Still on the topic, “Did you hear from God”. I want you to understand that it is so important to always consult God before you make an important move in your life. The reason is because if you do not inquire from the Lord what you should do, you will end up making terrible mistakes or traveling in a path that God had not ordained for you. When Samson came to this world, God already spoke through an angel concerning his life saying that no razor or blade shall come upon his hair (Judges 13:5). Now as long as that was in place, the anointing of God rested on Samson and he did exploits fulfilling God’s purpose for his life but guess what, Samson moved in an opposite direction of this word that has already being spoken about Him beforehand and when his hair was shaved, He lost God’s backing and that brought His downfall (Scripture Reference: Judges 16:1-31) Why? Because he didn’t take what God had already said beforehand seriously. 

So I admonish you today to always watch out for what God has said, is saying or will say concerning the affairs of your life. And the best way to do this, is to search the scriptures thoroughly because most of the things that God needs to say concerning your life have already been said. You need to patiently go for these information, know them and walk in that path. In most cases, He will give you revelations concerning your life and the best you can do for yourself is to follow it. For some people, He will speak to them concerning their job, their business and even their marriage but the challenge today is that not many are diligent enough to follow. However, I admonish you today to always watch out for what God has said and is saying to you. It is the best thing you could ever do for yourself. God bless you!

Today’s Rhema

Watch out for what God has said, is saying or about to say, because the success of your life depends of on them

Confession for the Day

Thank you, father, for all you have said concerning the affairs of life, I declare that henceforth, I will seek those things dearly and hold on to them that I may never depart or deviate from it because I know that when I do so, I will walk in your divine plan and will for my life in the name of Jesus.

1 comment

  • Mukisa Victoria

    Ameeeeeennnn, iam blessed to hear this.God bless you sir

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