Develop Your Faith in God (1)


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Monday June 20, 2022

hammer, nails, wood

“….So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God….”Romans 10:17 (NKJV)

Beloved, do you want to have an extraordinary walk with God that is filled with exploits? If your answer is yes, which it is supposed to be, then you must make a conscious decision to develop your faith in God. Many today want to experience such a glorious walk with God but they are not willing to develop their faith in God. Instead you see them halting between two opinions and walking in doubt again and again, which is not supposed to be so.

The key to having such an extraordinary walk with God is to intentionally develop your faith in God. You must understand that when you received Jesus Christ into your life, faith was born in you. Infact, according to the book of Romans 12:3c, the Bible says “…God has dealt to each one a measure of faith….”Romans 12:3 (NKJV). Meaning everyone has faith, but you see if this faith is going to deliver the promises of God into your hands, you have to groom it and let it grow. When it grows, it doesn’t matter what the devil throws at you to try to dissuade you or discourage you from trusting God, it will still stand because it has been groomed and tested over time. 

Therefore, I encourage you to develop your faith daily as you walk with God. When you begin to do this, it may not look as though anything is happening but trust me the muscles of your faith are growing and the day you will need it to deliver to you a desired result, it will deliver it without fail. So, do the needful.

Today’s Rhema

If you truly want to see your faith produce massive results in your life, you must make a conscious decision to develop your faith in God!

Confession for the Day 

Thank Father for giving me faith, I choose this day to develop my faith and as I do this, my faith is growing stronger and producing massive results both for me and for the kingdom in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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