Deliberately Work on Your Mind


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Saturday August 12, 2023

Human head and brain.Deep learning , Machine learning and artificial intelligence , AI Technology, thinking concept.

“….you were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which being corrupted by its deceitful desire; to be made new in the attitudes of your mind…” —Ephesians 4:22-23 (NIV) 

From the word of God, we have been made to understand that there is an old man and there is a new man. The old man was the one born with the nature of sin, and the new man is the one who became born again through the confession of the Lordship of Christ. When a man gives his life to Christ, he receives a change in his spiritual status, but this change does not affect the mind, or the thinking and thought of the man. If the man is going to change in his character and the way he does his things, he has to have a changed mind. But he can only do this consciously with the word of God. Sadly, so many people play light on educating the mind, and ensuring the mind receives a change just like the spirit received a change. Now, they do this, because they have not come to understand that the mind of a man is his greatest asset and the successes and victories a man will enjoy are greatly determined by the way the man thinks and what he thinks about. There is nothing as bad as a man whose mind is not functioning properly. 

A man whose mind has problems will misbehave, or not act right. This is the reason we give praises to God because he has given us sound minds. “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7 (NKJV). So since the mind of the man is his greatest asset, it means that the mind of the man should be positioned to think rightly, because if a man’s thoughts are right, his character would be right and if his character is right, then his dealing and relationship with people would be right too. The mind of a man determines who the man really is. A man can only be a thief if in his mind all he thinks about is how to steal from someone else, A man can only be a loving father, friend or brother if love is what consumes his heart. So as a Christian, you must work on your mind. And to do this, it’s only the word of God that has the ability to change the mind. Therefore, the change we are looking for in the world will happen when everyone starts using the word of God to groom their mind. So start today, start using the word of God, it will change you, and it will change your mind. Praise God! 

Today’s Rhema 

The word of God is the transforming power that the mind needs, starting using the word of God today! 

Confession for the Day 

Dear Heavenly Father! I thank you for the power of your word, which consumes my mind, and thoughts. I thank you because your word helps me to think right, talk right and act right. And I declare that I will continue to use your word so that it can bring out the perfect me. Amen!

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