Consider Other People


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Sunday June 4, 2023

“…don’t do anything from selfish ambition or from a cheap desire to boast, but be humble toward one another, always considering others better than yourselves. And look out for one another’s interest, not just for your own…” —Philippians 2:3-4 (GNT)

People naturally tend to consider themselves first before anyone else. But as a Christian, God does not want you to operate that way. He does not want you to be the kind of person who always considers himself first before others. I know this might sound ridiculous, but the truth is, this is how the kingdom operates. This is the kind of life God has ordained us to live; it is the direct opposite of the kind of life that you see in the world.

One of the reasons the world’s system is deteriorating by the day is that everybody is thinking only of themselves. Selfishness has so eaten deep into the fabrics of our society that people no longer have genuine intentions. The major motivation for doing anything today is always self. Those who want to be in government positions, no longer want to do it for the people, but for themselves and family. Those who go into business no longer want to do it to ultimately serve humanity, but just for themselves. 

This is the reason many don’t really care about the quality of the products they sell. As long as it generates profit, they don’t really care. Even those who render services, no longer do it for the joy of serving others, rather they do it for themselves. Self has become a major factor destroying our world today.

However, as Christians God wants us to be the difference in our society. He wants us to cultivate the lifestyle of putting others into consideration. Although I know that some people think this is just not possible because of the world we live in. But the truth remains that it is very possible if you are determined. We cannot allow the rot going on in the society to get to us. We are different and you must be different. Begin today to think about others and be a kingdom representative. Let people come in contact with you and know that you are not from this world. God’s desire is to enforce kingdom lifestyle in the earth and we are the ones He is counting on to make it happen. So, I encourage you to make adjustments in this area. The Bible says “…the attitude you should have is the one that Christ had…” Philippians 2:5 (GNT). And you know how He laid His life down for us. Jesus didn’t go through death for Himself He died because of us. All He did was for us, it has always been about us, and today He wants you to extend that hand of love to others by putting others into consideration. Praise God!

Today’s Rhema

The secret to an upward and forward life is putting others into consideration!


Gracious father, I thank for the love you demonstrated towards me when you sent your son to die for me. I thank you for the example you showed to me through the finished works of your dear Son Jesus Christ. I declare that henceforth grace to put others into consideration rest on me. No more, will I think only about myself. I make a solemn decision to always make sure others come first in Jesus name. Amen!

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