Confront Your Fears (1)

By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on December 11, 2023
a muscular man facing his dark side showing as giant demon in front of him., idea for winning yourself , growth mindset theme, generative ai

“…be anxious for nothing, be in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving let your request be made known to God….”- Philippians 4:6 (NKJV)

The worst that can happen to any man is living in fear. The reason is that fear is a spirit that is set aside by the devil to incapacitate you and make you live below your potential. When it creeps into a man, he can never succeed because with fear no man can excel. When God was briefing Joshua on how to go about his new assignment of taking the Israelites to the promised land, one of the things He said to him was “…be strong and be very courageous” (Joshua 1:7 NIV) This statement was said twice, and the reason God had to repeat the statement was that God knew that the only thing that could make Joshua not to fulfill the task ahead of him was fear, so God had to encourage him, again and again, to be strong and be very courageous. 

In your life, you need to learn this truth, don’t be tempted to walk in fear. Whatever it is that currently shakes your faith should be confronted. Don’t be afraid to face your fears, it doesn’t matter how fearful it may look or sound, always remember that you have been given the spirit of sound mind and love and not fear (2 Timothy 1:7). The spirit of love and sound mind is a spirit of dominion. God has called you to live a life of dominion not to be dominated. Therefore make a conscious decision to look at the adversary in the face and face it. It might look big but don’t let size make you cower rather let it encourage you to defeat it. The question now is, what is that fear you need to confront? Could it be fear of finding a new job? Or starting a new career? Or maybe it is the fear of going into marriage? Whatever may be the case, refuse to be intimidated and confront your fears. At first, it may not look like you are making sense, but as you confront those fears with revelation and understanding, fear will lose its grip on your life for good.

Today’s Rhema 

God has called you to live a life of dominion not to be dominated. 

Confession for the Day 

Father, I am grateful for this wonderful truth you have communicated to me today. I chose this day to reject fear. I refuse to be intimidated by fear because fear has lost its grip on my life many years ago. I choose to operate in faith and as I do, fear disappears from my life for good in Jesus name. Amen!

1 comment

  • Mukisa victoria

    I choose to operate in faith not in fear in Jesus name. Thank you so much sir iam blessed.

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