Belong to a Group in the Church


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Thursday July 11, 2024

diverse hands holding hold hands circle to pray for God each other support together teamwork

“…being let go, they went to their own companions and reported all that the chief priests and elders had said to them. So when they heard that, they raised their voice to God in one accord…” Acts 4:23-24 (NKJV)

Our opening scripture speaks of how Peter and John returned to their companions to tell them of how they were threatened and commanded to stop speaking or teaching in the name of Jesus. Now, the remarkable thing I want you to see here is that Peter and John were not alone. They had companions who were like them, they shared the same beliefs and were ready to stand together in prayers to counter the threat that had come to them. So when they got back to their group and reported the matter, they were not perturbed, rather they all joined hands together and decided to present the matter before the throne of grace. Together they found strength and what was supposed to pose a problem was immediately handled in prayers as a group. Letting us know the importance of having companions or being in a group. 

When you are involved in a group who share the same faith with you and have the same vision as you, they become a source of strength and encouragement to you. No matter the threat you may face in your workplace, in your family or in your life, they will always be there to join their faith together with yours and present the matter before God. They will always be there to stand by you and make sure that both your physical and spiritual needs are met. This is why being in a church or service department is very important. They represent this group we are talking about and with the power of many, so much can be achieved by all of you.

So, the question I have for you today is, which spiritual group or family do you belong to? How committed are you to this group? Are you a committed part of that group? or are you just a face in the crowd. Well, if you do not belong to any spiritual family or are not committed to the spiritual family you belong to, please kindly retrace your steps and do the needful. Now is the right time to decide to identify with a spiritual family and in the long run you will be the one to benefit from it. Don’t be a Christian who is alone, get involved and connect with the saints of God. Through them you can be positioned to walk in God’s plan for your life and through you they can be positioned also to receive God’s best for their lives. Failure to be in a spiritual family means, robbing yourself of God’s blessings and robbing others of their blessings as well. Hallelujah!

Today’s Rhema

Being in a spiritual family positions you to walk in God’s plan for your life and positions others to receive God’s best for their lives!

Confession for the Day 

By the power of God’s Spirit, I refuse to journey alone as a Christian, I choose to be in a spiritual family and by the power of God’s Spirit, the ability to be committed to my spiritual family rest on me mightily thus causing me to be devoted in the things of the Spirit in Jesus name. Amen!

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