Believe and Enforce the Vitality of the Spirit (2)

By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on August 19, 2023
female teen girl stand feel freedom with arms stretched to the sky

“But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you…” —Romans 8:11 (NKJV) 

Having established the importance of believing and enforcing the vitality of the Spirit of God in your life, you must choose to take this seriously. It is not enough for God to have made the provisions available, it is not enough to know about the provisions. You must believe it and enforce that provision in your body. You must open your mouth and declare the activation of that vitality in your body. The fact that God has said He will give your mortal body life through His Spirit that dwells in you does not mean it will start happening all by itself, which ought to be the case. But the devil has His ways of hindering God’s promises in our lives. So if you want to make it a present-day reality, then you must use your mouth to activate it. 

You must learn to have talking sessions where you declare that the vitality of the Spirit is at work in you, destroying every sickness, disease, and virus in your body. And giving life to every fiber of your being, every cell of your body, and every organ of your body. When you say these things over your body, declaring what God has said, you are giving power to the promises of God in your life. Therefore, I encourage you to do that today. Do not wait to have a symptom or be sick before you know what to say. The devil is not resting, and neither should you. You must go ahead to make Romans 8:11 a reality in your life. For it is written, “…I believed and therefore I spoke” We also believe and therefore speak…” 2 Corinthians 4:13 (NKJV) So start talking, that is all it takes to stay in divine health and enjoy the promises of God. The devil would at first want to discourage you from talking, but you must persist, until your words prevail and become what you have said. Praise God! 

Today’s Rhema 

Don’t wait for symptoms before you activate the vitality of the Spirit, activate it now and stay healthy! 

Confession for the Day 

Dear heavenly Father, I thank you for the gift of eternal life, I thank you for the vitality of your Spirit programmed to help me stay healthy. So I declare that the same power that raised up Jesus Christ from the dead, is fully at work in me, dispelling everything that is not of the Father in me and strengthening me to live out my days in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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