Be Submissive in Your Workplace (2)


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Thursday December 7, 2023

Young pensive female in eyeglasses thinking of new creative ideas

“…Slave, in reverent fear of God, submit yourselves to your masters, not only to those who are good and considerate but also to those who are harsh. For it is commendable if someone bears up under the pain of unjust suffering because they are conscious of God…” 1 Peter 2:18-19(NIV).

Having established in the first part of this article the importance of submitting to authority, you might say but what if you are not been treated right, should you still remain submissive? Well, the answer is yes. You see, sometimes, the challenge you face in your workplace may not be caused by your boss but by you. I know this might sound ridiculous but it’s the truth and I will explain. A lot of times, people want their bosses to do them well, but the question is are you submissive to your boss? Are you wholly given to your boss and what he wants from you on the work front? 

As Christians, we must understand that God expects us to set a standard in our workplace: a standard of submission, not rebellion, a standard of obedience and not disobedience. God in His mercy knows and sees all that happens where you work, and He knows that you are where you are. He is not ignorant of what is going on with you. You must understand that before you even applied for that Job, God knew you would be there, and He positioned that harsh boss to train you. There are several trainings you can’t receive until you are under a harsh condition. And guess what, it is training like this that brings out the best in you. In as much as we all like a nice and friendly boss, we all can’t have a nice and friendly boss, because that may not be what we actually need to get trained for the future. So see your boss as your trainer, and appreciate the training you receive, and God will promote you in due time. Hallelujah!

Today’s Rhema

Training under harsh conditions is for your promotion!

Confession for the Day

Lord God, we thank you for our jobs and the opportunity you have given us to learn from our masters. We thank you because you are there with us every day, helping us to receive the training we need to move to the next level. Praise God!

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