Be Soft in Your Response to People


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Saturday November 26, 2022

“…a soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger…” – Proverbs 15:1 (NKJV)

One of the things I learnt from the word of God when I newly became a Christian was to respond to people in a gentle and soft way. I discovered that it is a weapon that can silence the angriest person in the world.  When I tried it the first time, it worked, so I made up my mind that this was how I am going to be living my life. I made up my mind I was going to be gentle and respond to people politely because the word of God commands us to do so. Ever since I started living like this, my life has moved from glory to glory. And my relationship with people has really improved a great deal. Interestingly, one of the things that really made me to continue in it was because, I took time out to closely observe the ministry of Jesus and He had a very gentle personality too. He was gentle in His response to questions, even when the Pharisees, kept on asking Him questions that could have provoked Him, He was gentle and polite enough to give them the answers in such ways that they marvelled.

Beloved, this is one of the best things you can learn from God’s word today; learn to be gentle in your response to people. Even when you are provoked, try to hold yourself back and still maintain that soft nature that the Holy Spirit brings into our lives. Don’t give in to the urge of wanting to reply aggressively, don’t be arrogant but be polite. If you can imbibe this in your life, there is no situation that you will not be able to take charge of, and there is nobody you will not be able to influence. Because gentility is a virtue that has great influence. In our opening scripture, the Bible says, “….a soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger….” Meaning, when you are soft, anger can be quenched off, but when you are harsh or aggressive, anger will be stirred up. Many people today have not come to understand this truth I am sharing with you, so they end up provoking people to anger when they are not supposed to. Many have gotten for themselves enemies because they are aggressive in their response. Therefore, I encourage you to take advantage of this powerful truth in God’s word. Refuse to be aggressive but polite. Politeness and gentility is not a sign of timidity but spiritual maturity, it is a sign that proves that God’s word is at work in you and you are working the word. Halleluiah!

Today’s Rhema

Politeness and gentility is proof that God’s word is at work in you and you are working the word. Halleluiah!

Confession for the Day

Gracious father, I thank you for the wisdom you have communicated to me today in your word, I chose to take advantage of this word and use it to my benefit. I refuse to be aggressive but polite. I refuse to be arrogant but gentle, because this is the life and nature that I have received from you. Halleluiah!

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