Be Rich and Generous Towards God (1)


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Saturday August 17, 2024

A man in a suit is seated on a pile of money. Greed, money, business, politics Image concept.

“So is he who lays up treasure for himself and is not rich towards God.” — Luke 12:21 (NKJV)

Being rich and wealthy is one thing, but another thing is to be rich towards God and in the sight of God. As simple as this might sound, it holds a fundamental truth I want to share with you today. Many have not made this distinction in their lives; they think life is all about being rich. But after that, what next? Is it to build houses, own several businesses, and have a fat bank account? Is that all?

Well, there is more. You need to understand that wealth that does not affect other lives, spread the Gospel, and increase righteousness is as good as useless. When God gives wealth, He does so that you could become His channel of blessings to His people and a vessel to take the good news of salvation to the world. He does not give you wealth so that only you and you alone will have it for yourself. No, He wants you to use it to honor Him, put a smile on someone’s face, and give hope to many out there who have no hope.

When you do this, you are rich in the eyes of God. Unfortunately, many do not think this is important, so they amass wealth just for themselves and their family. They never think of extending part of that wealth to others, lifting others up, or spreading the Gospel. Whenever they hear anything about using their wealth to advance the spread of the Gospel, they get so offended, saying things like, “Why should I give my hard-earned money to the church?” They make it seem like a taboo. They suddenly forget that the money in their hands is God’s money. He only made them stewards of it, and He expects them to be faithful stewards by using it to advance the cause of the Kingdom.

So, as you journey in your walk with God, make a conscious decision to be lavish towards God and not stingy towards Him. Choose to use the wealth He has put in your hands to advance the work of the Kingdom. When you do this, you’ll be rich towards God, and He will bless you more for it, not take the wealth away from you. Halleluiah!

Today’s Rhema

Make a conscious decision to be lavish towards God and not stingy towards Him!

Confession for the Day

Father, I am grateful for this eye-opening truth. I choose this day to be lavish towards You and not be stingy. I declare that as I journey in this path of generosity, I am making progress and abounding in wealth in Jesus’ name. Amen!

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