Be Quick to Follow Instructions from the Pulpit (1)


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Sunday September 1, 2024

We meet in this stone chapel every year at a conference. The windows stand open allowing the cool morning breeze in. There’s a special feeling being in an old building like this.

“He who keeps instruction is in the way of life, but he who refuses correction goes astray.”Proverbs 10:17 (NKJV)

Do you want to have exceptional results in your life? Do you want to be an outstanding Christian in this world? Do you want to walk in the path God wants you to walk in without stumbling in life? If yes, you must make a conscious decision to take and follow the instructions coming from the pulpit. Why, you might ask? Because these instructions are inspired by God, and they preserve your life and keep you away from danger. A man without instructions is like a blind man, and his journey through life would be a rough one.

Unfortunately, there are believers today who are going through life without instructions. It is not that they do not have instructions; they do, but they are not taking them seriously. In most cases, they don’t even belong to any church where they can receive instruction, and when God tries to communicate with them directly, they are not quick to understand that this is from God. This has led to the downfall of many believers. However, your case ought to be different. If you want to see God move mightily in your life, you must begin to take instructions from the pulpit very seriously, and you will be amazed at the way miracles will begin to take place in your life.

A vivid example of what I am talking about is the story of a man called Naaman in the scriptures, who was a leper. God used him mightily to bring victory to the Syrians, but he was afflicted with leprosy. One day, his servant girl recommended that he go and meet Elisha in Samaria for help. So he yielded to that counsel and went in search of Elisha. When he came in contact with the man of God, he was told to go and wash in the Jordan River seven times. At first, he didn’t want to go because the man of God didn’t come out to meet him. However, his servants advised him to go and do it since it wasn’t a difficult task. So he went and did it, and his health was restored because he followed the instructions of the man of God (2 Kings 5:1-15). Beloved, you too can have such a glorious testimony if only you will be obedient enough to follow instructions. Hallelujah!

Today’s Rhema

If you take instructions from the pulpit seriously, you will always win in life and be one step ahead of the enemy!

Confession for the Day

Thank you, Heavenly Father, for teaching me this truth today. I choose, therefore, to take instructions from the pulpit seriously, and as I do this, I am making progress and dwelling in Your will for my life, in Jesus’ name. Amen!

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