Be Mindful of the Condition of Your Heart


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Monday August 5, 2024

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“Keep your heart with all diligence, For out of it spring the issues of life.” – Proverbs 4:23 (NKJV)

When you study the Bible, you discover that it contains a very important truth that every child of God ought to capitalize on to live a struggle-free life in this world. One of those truths is found in our opening text taken from Proverbs 4:23: “Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life.” As simple as this statement is, it speaks volumes. It reveals a very important truth that can either change our lives forever or keep us stagnant for a long time.

Our heart plays a crucial role in our day-to-day activities. If the Bible says “out of it spring the issues of life,” it means that, to a large extent, the circumstances that surround our lives are controlled by our hearts. If things are going smoothly in our lives, it is not due to our surroundings but rather our hearts. Similarly, if things go poorly, it is often determined by the state of our hearts.

From this information given to us by the scriptures, we must carefully manage what goes into and comes out of our hearts. This is why, as a child of God, you have to consciously work on the state of your heart. If the Bible says, “out of our heart springs the issues of life,” it means that both good and bad things can emerge from the heart, depending on its condition.

If you fail to scrutinize the things that go into and come out of your heart, there is a chance that your heart will bring forth the wrong things. This is why you must make a conscious decision to watch the condition of your heart. Never allow the wrong information to dwell in your heart. Instead, let your heart be filled with God and His words. When the word of God dwells in your heart, it will eradicate any information contrary to the word of God and keep it completely cleansed from anything that could corrupt or pollute it.

If bitterness, envy, or anger is what you keep in your heart, your heart will certainly bring forth the wrong things, which will ultimately lead your life in the wrong direction. However, if the condition of your heart is in sync with the word of God, you will experience victory and success all the way. So, take advantage of this word today and be diligent enough to mind the condition of your heart. God bless you!

Today’s Rhema

If bitterness, or envy or anger is what you keep in your heart, your heart will certainly bring forth the wrong things in your life!

Confession for the Day

All-powerful and ever-living Father, I thank You for the truth revealed in Your Word. I declare that from this day forward, I will give diligence to the condition of my heart. I will not allow the wrong information to penetrate my heart, and I will not let bitterness, malice, envy, or any other polluting thing take hold of my heart. In Jesus’ name, Amen!

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