Be Humble If You Want Greatness


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Friday July 14, 2023

“…I assure you that unless you change and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” The greatest in the kingdom of heaven is the one who humbles himself and becomes like this child…” —Matthew 18:3-4 (GNT) 

Everybody wants to be great, everybody wants to be successful and everybody wants to succeed in life, and become influential in the society. It is a good aspiration and it doesn’t take God anything to make a man great. Our study of the word of God shows us how God has uplifted many people who were actually nothing or not deserving of a certain position but suddenly they got it. Solomon was made King instead of his brother Adonija, even though Solomon was the youngest of his Father’s sons. David, a shepherd boy was made King instead of Saul who was already on the throne, but God took the throne from Saul and gave it to David. Joseph who was a slave boy, was made Prime minister in a land where he was a stranger, Esther was made queen instead of many other Pretty ladies who contested for the king’s attention. 

It takes God nothing to lift a man and make him dine with kings. But greatness has a prize, the question is, how many are willing to pay the price? The opening text today tells us that the greatest in the kingdom of heaven is anyone who humbles himself. These words were spoken by Jesus Christ Himself, so it means that God wants to see humility in all His children. While we all want to be great, we must greatly consider how humble we are to the Lord. How do you react when corrected of a wrong? Does the pride in you utterly make you blind and angry when you are corrected? Are you able to accept rebuke? Are you humble enough to apologise? I think it’s time we use the search light of the word of God to delete all traces of pride and replace it with humility. So I encourage you to do the needful, because your time to dine with kings is now. Your time for a promotion, progress and a great life has come, and there is nothing that can stop you except pride. But if you will deal with this, you will walk in your pre-ordained destiny. Halleluiah! 

Today’s Rhema 

There is greatness in you, there is greatness in your path, only humility will take you there! 

Confession for the Day 

Heavenly Father! I thank you for opening my mind and my eyes to look within me, so I can take steps that will lead to my greatness. I declare that every traces of pride in me is replaced with humility and humility is taking me to a place of greatness in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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