Be Concerned About the Salvation of Others


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Wednesday July 6, 2022

two men talking

“…for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life…” John 3:16 (NKJV)

Having meditated on our opening scripture long enough, I realized that even though man had offended God, God was still concerned about the salvation of mankind. God so thought about our salvation to the point that He decided to send His Son Jesus Christ to come and pay the price for us. He knew that all of humanity was heading for doom, He knew that mankind had no eternal security, so He decided to come up with a plan and that plan was Jesus, who came to the world, humbled Himself and chose to take our place by offering His life for ours. He did it because He had our salvation in mind. He was concerned about us and the only way to show us how much He loved us was to die for us so that through His death, we might receive eternal life. 

Now, that life has been given to us because someone cared, the question is how many people would receive this life, because you care? How many people are going to receive salvation because of you? I know that this thought might have never crossed the mind of some people, but it is good to be aware of this fact. From time to time it is good to ask ourselves this question, because if we don’t we might live our lives caring only about ourselves and our family members, not remembering that there are people who need salvation and their salvation is tied to us. So, it is important to understand that as Christians, we have the responsibility of spreading the good news about salvation to the people in our world. 

Today’s Rhema

There are many out there who are in need of salvation but the irony is that their salvation is tied to you, therefore you have to preach the Gospel!

Confession for the Day

Thank you heavenly father for sending your son Jesus Christ to take my place and making salvation available to me. I thank you for giving me the responsibility of reconciling others to you. I decree that the boldness and motivation to take the message of the Gospel to the people of the world is at work in me and through me many are receiving their salvation in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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