Be Apt in Your Response to God


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Monday May 27, 2024

A person standing on a rock under a starry night sky

“…today, if you will hear His voice, do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion…” Hebrews 3:15 (NKJV)

After so many years of having the privilege to lead God’s people, I discovered that there are three sets of believers, those who are very reluctant in their response to God, those who only seek God because of what they want Him to do in their lives and those whose heart is after God. Only very few fall into the last category, a large percentage fall into the first two categories. Lots and lots of people are increasingly getting cold towards God and reluctant with participating in the things of God. Most times when they are invited to church, they decline with the excuse that they are busy. In most cases you literally have to talk them into participating in the things of the kingdom, which is not supposed to be so. Because God does not want it that way. It is important to understand that as a Christian, God does not want you reluctant in your response towards Him. God does not want you to be reminded of the things that you are supposed to freely do on your own. He wants you up and doing and responsive to matters that pertain to Him and His kingdom. He wants you to understand that you are in a relationship with Him and as such there are responsibilities from your end which must be carried out. And part of that responsibility is your willingness to respond to Him easily without being spoken to or persuaded. 

Therefore, you have to make a conscious decision to respond to God as expected of you by God. Be a Christian after God’s heart, it is called spiritual maturity. In the book of Psalms 95:6-8, the bible says, “come let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the Lord our Maker. For He is our God, and we are the people of His pasture, and the sheep of His hand. Today, if you will hear His voice: do not harden your hearts, as in the rebellion, as in the day of trial in the wilderness…” Now, this scripture was referring to the Israelites but it goes a long way to speak to us today. Think about it, when you hear about God or you are told about coming for church service or spoken to about anything that has to do with God in any capacity, refuse to harden your heart but flow like water in the things of God because that is where the blessings lie. The Israelites hardened their heart and ended up roaming round in the wilderness for over forty years. So refuse to be reluctant in your response towards God. The next time you hear about something that has to do with you making yourself or your resources available to God, do not harden your heart. Hallelujah!

Today’s Rhema

Quick response towards God is not stupidity but spiritual maturity!

Confession for the Day 

Gracious King, I thank you for your word today because it has come to nourish my spirit, soul and body. I will always be after your heart with all my heart and I am purged of every reluctant attitude towards you and the kingdom in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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