Be an Example of Christ to Others


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Thursday May 25, 2023

“…Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day He visits us…” —1 Peter 2:12 (NIV)

We have a lot of bad examples being displayed by Christians, which makes non-Christians utter such words as, “And he says he is a Christian.” We must realize that the example we set for others to see will determine how they will perceive who we are in Christ. As Christians, we must be conscious of what we say and what we do, understanding that the Christian faith is at stake. The church seeks to grow and make progress, and it will grow only when our lives are an example that many can follow.

I once heard a lady say, “A Christian brother will teach you the word of God, make you confess the lordship of Jesus Christ, and still defraud you of your money. And when confronted, they say, ‘A Christian cannot sin.'” This is a wrong display of the Christian faith.

The Christian faith is based on love, a selfless love, a love so deep that it does not think evil, a love so deep that you do not think of yourself first, you always think of others. Our Christian faith is a show of our kindness, which reflects the life of Jesus Christ, who never thought of Himself but of others. Our Christian faith should be one full of compassion and understanding of the suffering of others, which should lead us to help and not deceive them.

We need to understand that our God loves good deeds and He loves people who love to do well and hate evil. We see an example of this in the book of Job, where the Lord said to Satan, “Have you considered my servant Job, that there is none like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man, one who fears God and shuns evil?” (Job 1:8 ESV). God specifically said that because those are the kind of qualities God wants to see and brag about in all His children.

The Christian life should be an example that many can follow after. Just like we are able to follow Christ, we also see what His disciples did and want to follow them. People should see our lives the way we are and be able to follow us. Some people do evil and justify their evil acts, saying that Christ condones evil. Being a Christian does not permit you to do evil because God hates evil. The Christian faith has a pattern of good and not evil, so do not help people misunderstand who Christ is or what the body of Christ stands for.

As Christians, let us come together and extend the good in Christ by bringing out the good in us. Let our lives be worthy to be emulated. Amen.

Today’s Rhema

Let your life be an example to many!

Confession for the Day

Father, I declare that I am an example, an example to be followed by all. I declare that from today, I will display the good in me and will never use my Christian Faith or the word of God to defend or promote evil deeds. Thank you, Father, for loving me and helping me to be an example to many in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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