Be a Christian Who Is Spiritually Minded (2)

By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on August 23, 2023
A Man praying holding a Holy Bible.

“…to be carnally minded is death but to be spiritually minded is life and peace…” —Romans 8:6 (NKJV)

When we take a look at the world today, we discover that everything has been programmed to disobey God. Men are no longer living according to God’s dictates, as a matter of fact; most people do not want to even hear anything about God. They live according to their own opinions and feelings, and this is why you find that the untimely deaths and sufferings in the world today have increased. What they fail to understand is that God is the author of life, and to know how to live is to know God and follow His principles. The inability to follow God’s principles is carnal mindedness, which is the root of all the problems in the world today, but following God according to what He has said is spiritual mindedness, and God wants you to be spiritually minded because this is where life is. Therefore, make a conscious decision to be spiritually minded. 

Why do you need to be deliberate about this? Well, it is simple! The reason is because there is a program in the world right now that makes people disobedient to God; however, when you are conscious of this, it helps you to live above it and choose God instead. Hallelujah! When you are spiritually minded, you will not talk like the people of the world, you will not speak ill of pastors and churches; you will not speak ill about your neighbors and friends, you will not act like the people in the world or go to the places where they go. You will not think or live like them, because they live for themselves, but you live for Him, who has separated you and called you to the life of Glory. When you are spiritually minded, you will give all you have to God and not hold back, and in all that you do, you will always put God first. You can’t be spiritually minded and lose; you will always excel and live in the day of your life and not in the night of your life, for that is the destiny of those who are carnally minded. So I encourage you today to act wisely and be spiritually minded. Learn to talk right, live right, and act right; this is the key to the beautiful life God has ordained you to live. Halleluiah! 

Today’s Rhema 

You can’t be spiritually minded and loose; you will always excel and live in the day of your life and not in the night of your life!

Confession for the Day 

All powerful and everliving Father, I thank you for the truth in your word that you have revealed to me, knowing this alone is life to me, and I choose to be spiritually minded. Every day of my life, I will set my mind on the things of the Spirit and not on the things of the flesh, because things of the spirit bring me life Halleluiah

1 comment

  • Mukisa Victoria

    Hallelujah! What are powerful message, thank you so much sir.

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